Trupat britanike të “gatshme” të luftojnë me ushtrinë ruse, thotë Magowan

“Ushtria Mbretërore êshtë gati qysh sonte të luftoj kundër Rusisë nëse ajo sulmon Evropën Lindore” u shpreh oficeri i dytë në hirearkinë e ushtrisë së Mbretërisë së Bashkuar. Zëvendës-kreu i ushtrisë së Mbretërisë së Bashkuar Rob Magowan, tha mbrëmë se trupat britanikë janë gati të luftojnë me forcat e Vladimir Putinit nëse Rusia do të […]

AI grandma fights back against scammers

Daisy’s mission is two-fold: To waste scammers’ time so they can’t speak to real people and to draw attention to fraud by warning consumers to be vigilant.

AI grandma fights back against scammers

Daisy’s mission is two-fold: To waste scammers’ time so they can’t speak to real people and to draw attention to fraud by warning consumers to be vigilant.

AI grandma fights back against scammers

Daisy’s mission is two-fold: To waste scammers’ time so they can’t speak to real people and to draw attention to fraud by warning consumers to be vigilant.

AI grandma fights back against scammers

Daisy’s mission is two-fold: To waste scammers’ time so they can’t speak to real people and to draw attention to fraud by warning consumers to be vigilant.

AI grandma fights back against scammers

Daisy’s mission is two-fold: To waste scammers’ time so they can’t speak to real people and to draw attention to fraud by warning consumers to be vigilant.

AI grandma fights back against scammers

Daisy’s mission is two-fold: To waste scammers’ time so they can’t speak to real people and to draw attention to fraud by warning consumers to be vigilant.

AI grandma fights back against scammers

Daisy’s mission is two-fold: To waste scammers’ time so they can’t speak to real people and to draw attention to fraud by warning consumers to be vigilant.

AI grandma fights back against scammers

Daisy’s mission is two-fold: To waste scammers’ time so they can’t speak to real people and to draw attention to fraud by warning consumers to be vigilant.

AI grandma fights back against scammers

Daisy’s mission is two-fold: To waste scammers’ time so they can’t speak to real people and to draw attention to fraud by warning consumers to be vigilant.