Bluesky says X’s “partisan microphone” are driving users to it
Bluesky has added millions of new subscribers in the last month as some users leave X. Here’s what to know.
Bluesky says X’s “partisan microphone” are driving users to it
Bluesky has added millions of new subscribers in the last month as some users leave X. Here’s what to know.
Bluesky says X’s “partisan microphone” are driving users to it
Bluesky has added millions of new subscribers in the last month as some users leave X. Here’s what to know.
Bluesky says X’s “partisan microphone” are driving users to it
Bluesky has added millions of new subscribers in the last month as some users leave X. Here’s what to know.
Bluesky says X’s “partisan microphone” are driving users to it
Bluesky has added millions of new subscribers in the last month as some users leave X. Here’s what to know.
Bluesky says X’s “partisan microphone” are driving users to it
Bluesky has added millions of new subscribers in the last month as some users leave X. Here’s what to know.
Bluesky says X’s “partisan microphone” are driving users to it
Bluesky has added millions of new subscribers in the last month as some users leave X. Here’s what to know.
Ambasada Amerikane rithekson përkushtimin për zhdukjen e trafikimit njerëzor

Në Ditën Ndërkombëtare për Zhdukjen e Skllavërisë, Ambasada Amerikane në Prishtinë ka theksuar përkushtimin e Shteteve të Bashkuara për të adresuar problemin global të trafikimit të qenieve njerëzore. Në një deklaratë të bërë publike, Ambasada theksoi se trafikimi njerëzor prek në mënyrë disproporcionale grupet e margjinalizuara dhe ato me më pak mundësi, përfshirë gratë dhe […]
The Bridge Debate On Vucic’s policies towards Kosovo Serb Citizens

The following debate in the series of debates produced by INC-Network which aims to empower civil dialogue between Prishtina and Belgrade, is about actions, decisions and policies of Serb President Vucic towards Kosovo Serb citizens. Guests: Ylli Hoxha – political analyst, regular participant in political debates, former spokesperson of LVV (Self-Determination Movement of Albin Kurti) […]
Brain Root / Kalbja e trurit është ‘fjala’ i vitit 2024 sipas Oxford-it

Pas mbi 37,000 votave, diskutimeve publike në mbarë botën dhe analizës së të dhënave tona gjuhësore, ne kemi emëruar fjalën ‘Brain Root’ (‘kalbjen e trurit’) si fjalën tonë të vitit për 2024. Ekspertët tanë vunë re se shprehja ‘kalbja e trurit’ fitoi rëndësi të re këtë vit si një term i përdorur për të kapur […]