SpaceX to launch two lunar landers in new mission to the moon

Just after midnight Wednesday, a SpaceX rocket is scheduled to lift off, carrying a pair of lunar landers that will try to touch down on the moon in the coming months. One was built by a Japanese company and the other was built by a Texas company. Their mission is to carefully lower to the […]

SpaceX to launch two lunar landers in new mission to the moon

Just after midnight Wednesday, a SpaceX rocket is scheduled to lift off, carrying a pair of lunar landers that will try to touch down on the moon in the coming months. One was built by a Japanese company and the other was built by a Texas company. Their mission is to carefully lower to the […]

EULEX’i përforcon praninë në Kosovë

Pritet të arrijnë forca shtesë nga Franca, Italia, Portugalia e Lituania. Misioni i Bashkimit Evropian për Sundimin e Ligjit në Kosovë (EULEX) është duke e përforcuar Njësinë Policore të Specializuar (NJPS) të tij përmes dislokimit të përkohshëm të pjesëtarëve të Forcës Evropiane të Xhandarmërisë (EUROGENDFOR) nga Franca, Italia, Lituania dhe Portugalia. Kështu është bërë e […]